Department of Pathology

Assoc. Prof. Katerina Stanimirova Dimitrova, PhD
☎ 979 23 82

The Department of Pathology contributes to the health care of animals and humans in Bulgaria by undertaking basic and applied scientific research in the field of Pathology and clinical features of malignant, infectious, non-infectious and parasitic diseases.
A comprehensive approach (in vitro, in vivo and in ovo) is employed to study the biological properties and safety of chemical and biological products with immunomodulatory, anti-tumor, antiviral and antiparasitic activity, especially their cytotoxicity, gen-toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and teratogenicity, as well.
Innovative investigations are carried out for the needs of the biotechnological industry, development of diagnostics and policies to improve the diagnosis, control and basic understanding of emerging animal diseases with severe economic impacts.
The research topics are in line with national and european priorities "Health" and "Food safety".

Research priorities involved:

  • Pathology, pathogenesis and identification of emerging animal diseases

  • Pathomorphological characterization of poisonings and toxicity of newly developed drugs

  • Carcinogenesis: experimental and clinical/molecular genetic research on cancer diseases

  • - pathogenesis of virus-induced malignancies: human papillomavirus and polioma viruses, bovine leukemia, avian and murine oncogenic viruses; experimental models of human cancers;
    - antitumor activity of chemical compounds and biologically active natural products;
    - mechanisms of the immune response in normal and pathological conditions, immunomodulation in experimental tumor systems (in vitro and in vivo);
    - nanotechnology approaches for the treatment of tumors and wounds reveal to new possibilities to overcome difficult for treatment diseases;
    - development of liposome based medicines for Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of cancer diseases;

  • An comprehensive approach for assessing safety of chemicals, drugs, food and biologically active substances of natural origin

  • - in vitro testing for cytotoxicity, gen-toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity
    - alternative tests in ovo concerning embryotoxicity, teratogenicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity

  • Development of cell lines and strains suitable for the biotechnology industry: diagnostics and bioproducts; testing of drugs, which is beneficial for production of more safely bioproducts;

  • Scientific staff of the Department "PATHOLOGY"

    Assoc. Prof. Head. Katerina Stanimirova Dimitrova, PhD 9792382
    Prof. Reneta Aleksandrova Toshkova, MD, PhD 9792343
    Prof. Radostina Ivailova Alexandrova, PhD rialexandrova@hotmail.com9793678
    Assoc. Prof. Russy Vladimirov Russev, PhD 9792389
    Assoc. Prof. Ivan Angelov Iliev, PhD 9792362
    Assoc. Prof. Ani Krasimirova Georgieva, PhD 9792348
    Assoc. Prof. Rositsa Svetolik Milcheva, PhD 9792377
    Chief Assistant Zdravka Dimitrova Petrova, PhD 9792384
    Chief Assistant Inna Alexandrovna Sulikovska, PhD 9792362
    Chief Assistant Tanya Dancheva Zhivkova, PhD 9792353
    Chief Assistant Abdulkadir Abudalleh Mahdi Al-Azawi,PhD 9792353
    Chief Assistant Dimitar Georgiev Ivanov, PhD 9792374
    Chief Assistant Petar Stoikov Dimitrov, PhD 9792375
    Assistant Yordan Stoilov Yordanov, PhD 97923 30
    Med. lab. Svetlana Ilieva Vladova 9792384
    Lab. assist. Zdravka Lubcheva Stoichkova 9792384